
If you would like to contact Ash Interiors about any of our design services or arrange your first consultation with Emilia, please complete this online enquiry form. Alternatively, you can reach us at: or
01534 485789

Book an appointment

If you are already working with Emilia and would like to book a follow-up appointment in the Studio, please select a date/time from our online booking system and we will confirm by email.

If you are not looking for specific design services but wish to come into the Studio and browse our extensive library of fabric, trim and wallpaper samples, please choose from either one of the following options and use our online booking system:

Option a) with Suzanne, our Studio Manager. Suzanne can assist you to find fabric, trim and wallpapers and can access RRP pricing. These appointments cost £60.

Option b) with Emilia, our Designer. Emilia will help you put together a scheme, advise on complimentary colours and patterns, consider the design and offer additional suggestions. These appointments cost £95.